The Graduation was so AMAZING!!!! ga kalah serunya sama pas coret-coretan kemaren itu hahaha, Foursesco are look so handsome and beautiful! So different deh pokonya, and it would be unforgettable moment day pokonya, dan pas coret-coretan juga hihi. And i can't wait for the next...yaitu Promnight! i hope the prom won't be cancel huaahh because that will be the last we having fun together loohhh. Yaudalah pokonya FOURSESCO paling top deh haha LOVE YAAAA! kalo mau liat foto coret2an bisa diliat di instagram: irisazlou. thankiss
Minggu, 01 Juni 2014
hello, long time no see, i mean long time no post. Jadi jadi aku udah lulus gitu deh hehe ALHAMDULLILAH FOURSESCO 2014 lulus 100% loh pas pengumuman tanggal 20 Maret kemaren, huft finally hati sedikit tenang. So now i just want to share some photo when Graduation day, but before....mau ngeshare pas coret-coretan, eh tapi ga deh pas Graduation aja gimana? hehe but i just post some photos here, not all the photo yaa karena males banget gila. So, here you go..
The Graduation was so AMAZING!!!! ga kalah serunya sama pas coret-coretan kemaren itu hahaha, Foursesco are look so handsome and beautiful! So different deh pokonya, and it would be unforgettable moment day pokonya, dan pas coret-coretan juga hihi. And i can't wait for the next...yaitu Promnight! i hope the prom won't be cancel huaahh because that will be the last we having fun together loohhh. Yaudalah pokonya FOURSESCO paling top deh haha LOVE YAAAA! kalo mau liat foto coret2an bisa diliat di instagram: irisazlou. thankiss
The Graduation was so AMAZING!!!! ga kalah serunya sama pas coret-coretan kemaren itu hahaha, Foursesco are look so handsome and beautiful! So different deh pokonya, and it would be unforgettable moment day pokonya, dan pas coret-coretan juga hihi. And i can't wait for the next...yaitu Promnight! i hope the prom won't be cancel huaahh because that will be the last we having fun together loohhh. Yaudalah pokonya FOURSESCO paling top deh haha LOVE YAAAA! kalo mau liat foto coret2an bisa diliat di instagram: irisazlou. thankiss
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